Source code for deep_bottleneck.mi_estimator.base

from typing import *

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from deep_bottleneck import utils

from deep_bottleneck.mi_estimator import kde

[docs]class MutualInformationEstimator: nats2bits = 1.0 / np.log(2) """Nats to bits conversion factor.""" def __init__(self, discretization_range, architecture, n_classes): self.architecture = architecture self.n_classes = n_classes
[docs] def compute_mi(self, data, file_dump) -> pd.DataFrame: print(f'*** Start running {self.__class__.__name__}. ***') labels = data.labels one_hot_labels = data.one_hot_labels # Proportion of instances that have a certain label. label_weights = np.mean(one_hot_labels, axis=0) label_masks = {} for target_class in range(self.n_classes): label_masks[target_class] = labels == target_class n_layers = len(self.architecture) + 1 # + 1 for output layer epoch_numbers = [int(value) for value in file_dump.keys()] epoch_numbers = sorted(epoch_numbers) measures = self._init_dataframe(epoch_numbers=epoch_numbers, n_layers=n_layers) for epoch in epoch_numbers: print(f'Estimating mutual information for epoch {epoch}.') summary = file_dump[str(epoch)] for layer_index in range(n_layers): layer_activations = summary['activations'][str(layer_index)] mi_with_input, mi_with_label = self._compute_mi_per_epoch_and_layer(layer_activations, label_weights, label_masks) measures.loc[(epoch, layer_index), 'MI_XM'] = mi_with_input measures.loc[(epoch, layer_index), 'MI_YM'] = mi_with_label return measures
def _init_dataframe(self, epoch_numbers, n_layers): info_measures = ['MI_XM', 'MI_YM'] index_base_keys = [epoch_numbers, list(range(n_layers))] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(index_base_keys, names=['epoch', 'layer']) measures = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=info_measures) return measures def _compute_mi_per_epoch_and_layer(self, activations, label_weights, label_masks) -> Tuple[float, float]: activations = np.asarray(activations) H_of_M = self._estimate_entropy(activations) H_of_M_given_X = self._estimate_conditional_entropy(activations) H_of_M_given_Y = self._compute_H_of_M_given_Y(activations, label_weights, label_masks) mi_with_input = self.nats2bits * (H_of_M - H_of_M_given_X) mi_with_label = self.nats2bits * (H_of_M - H_of_M_given_Y) return mi_with_input, mi_with_label def _compute_H_of_M_given_Y(self, activations, label_weights, label_masks): H_of_M_given_Y = 0 for label, mask in label_masks.items(): H_of_M_for_specific_y = self._estimate_entropy(activations[mask]) H_of_M_given_Y += label_weights[label] * H_of_M_for_specific_y return H_of_M_given_Y def _estimate_entropy(self, data: np.array) -> float: """ Args: data: The data to estimate entropy for. Returns: The estimated entropy. """ raise NotImplementedError def _estimate_conditional_entropy(self, data: np.array) -> float: raise NotImplementedError