Source code for deep_bottleneck.utils

import os
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pathlib import Path

[docs]def construct_full_dataset(training, test): """Concatenates training and test data splits to obtain the full dataset. The input arguments use the following naming convention: - X is the training data - y is training class, with numbers from 0 to 1 - Y is training class, but coded as a 2-dim vector with one entry set to 1 at the column index corresponding to the class Args: training: Namedtuple with fields X, y and Y: test: Namedtuple with fields X, y and Y: Returns: A new Namedtuple with fields X, y and Y containing the concatenation of training and test data """ Dataset = namedtuple('Dataset', ['X', 'Y', 'y', 'n_classes']) X = np.concatenate((training.X, test.X)) y = np.concatenate((training.y, test.y)) Y = np.concatenate((training.Y, test.Y)) return Dataset(X, Y, y, training.n_classes)
[docs]def shuffle_in_unison_inplace(a, b): """Shuffles both array a and b randomly in unison Args: a: An Array, for example containing data samples b: An Array, fpor example containing labels Returns: Both arrays shuffled in the same way """ assert len(a) == len(b) p = np.random.permutation(len(a)) return a[p], b[p]
[docs]def data_shuffle(data_sets_org, percent_of_train, min_test_data=80, shuffle_data=False): """Divided the data to train and test and shuffle it""" # TODO Function data_shuffle need refctoring and proper docstring perc = lambda i, t: np.rint((i * t) / 100).astype(np.int32) C = type('type_C', (object,), {}) data_sets = C() stop_train_index = perc(percent_of_train,[0]) start_test_index = stop_train_index if percent_of_train > min_test_data: start_test_index = perc(min_test_data,[0]) data_sets.train = C() data_sets.test = C() if shuffle_data: shuffled_data, shuffled_labels = shuffle_in_unison_inplace(, data_sets_org.labels) else: shuffled_data, shuffled_labels =, data_sets_org.labels = shuffled_data[:stop_train_index, :] data_sets.train.labels = shuffled_labels[:stop_train_index, :] = shuffled_data[start_test_index:, :] data_sets.test.labels = shuffled_labels[start_test_index:, :] return data_sets
[docs]def is_dense_like(layer): """Check whether a layer has attribute 'kernel', which is true for dense-like layers Args: layer: Keras layer to check for attribute 'kernel' Returns: True if layer has attribute 'kernel', False otherwise """ return hasattr(layer, 'kernel')
def _get_current_min_max(activations): """Get both minimum and maximum of an array Args: activations: numpy ndarray Returns: Minimum and maximum value of activations """ return np.min(activations), np.max(activations)
[docs]def get_min_max(activations_summary, layer_number, neuron_number=None): """Get minimum and maximum of activations of a specific layer or a specific neuron over all epochs Args: activations_summary: numpy ndarray layer_number: Index of the layer neuron_number: Index of the neuron. If None, activations of the whole layer serve as a basis Returns: Minimum and maximum value of activations over all epochs """ epochs_in_activation_summary = [int(epoch) for epoch in activations_summary] epochs_in_activation_summary = np.asarray(sorted(epochs_in_activation_summary)) total_max = float("-inf") total_min = float("inf") for epochs in epochs_in_activation_summary: activations = activations_summary[f'{epochs}/activations'] layer_activations = np.asarray(activations[str(layer_number)]) layer_activations = layer_activations.transpose() if neuron_number is not None: current_min, current_max = _get_current_min_max(layer_activations[neuron_number]) else: current_min, current_max = _get_current_min_max(layer_activations) total_max = np.max([current_max, total_max]) total_min = np.min([current_min, total_min]) return total_min, total_max
ENV_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "infrastructure" / "sacred_setup" / ".env"
[docs]def get_mongo_config(): load_dotenv(dotenv_path=ENV_PATH) uri = ( f'mongodb://{os.environ["MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME"]}:' f'{os.environ["MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD"]}@{os.environ["MONGO_HOST"]}/?authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1' ) return uri, os.environ["MONGO_DATABASE"]