deep_bottleneck.datasets package


deep_bottleneck.datasets.base_dataset module

class deep_bottleneck.datasets.base_dataset.Dataset(train, test, n_classes)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a dataset.

classmethod from_labelled_subset(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, n_classes)[source]
class deep_bottleneck.datasets.base_dataset.LabelledDataset(examples, labels, one_hot_labels)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a labelled subset of a dataset.

This could be a trainging, test or validation set.

classmethod from_labels(examples, labels, n_classes)[source]

deep_bottleneck.datasets.fashion_mnist module


Load the Fashion-MNIST dataset

Returns:The fashion mnist dataset.

deep_bottleneck.datasets.harmonics module

deep_bottleneck.datasets.harmonics.import_IB_data_from_mat(name_ID, nb_dir='')[source]

Writes a .npy file to disk containing the harmonics dataset used by Tishby

Parameters:name_ID – Identifier which is going to be part of the output filename
deep_bottleneck.datasets.harmonics.load(nb_dir='') → deep_bottleneck.datasets.base_dataset.Dataset[source]

Load the Information Bottleneck harmonics dataset

Returns:The harmonics dataset.

deep_bottleneck.datasets.mnist module


Load the MNIST handwritten digits dataset

Returns:The mnist datset.

deep_bottleneck.datasets.mushroom module


Load the mushroom dataset.

Mushrooms are to be classified as either edible or poisonous.

Returns:The mushroom dataset.

Module contents